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Kids & Youth offers - Berliner Wasserbetriebe 5 x 5K TEAM-Relay

Our little heroes experience BIG running moments as part of the Berliner Wasserbetriebe 5 x 5 km TEAM Relay 2025.
Spread over three days, there is the opportunity to experience your own personal running highlight every day. Before the adults are sent out onto the course, our Bambini will provide plenty of running power and beaming faces.

Youth watch out: there are also youth relays here. 

June 3rd-5th, 2025

Start & finish:
The start and finish area is located on the lawn in the Tiergarten.

Bambini Run

6 pm*


Eligibility to participate:
The Bambini Run series presented by ADAC Berlin-Brandenburg is for all kids up to the age of 10.

Participation fee:
5 €

Register now

*subject to change